Monday, March 11, 2013

Chocolate Cups with Strawberry Mousse

Today was a nice day. Woke up early, did some exercise, spent some time in the kitchen...and got to go out on the flight line. One of the hubby's buddies was solo-ing today. I went with his wife and some people to get lunch and then went to see him solo. She forgot her camera so she borrowed mine. Beautiful day for pictures. She gave me some good Photoshop tips too. Always looking for those...

ALSO. I have a new favorite blog. It's called Sugar Hero. Lovely desserts and lovely pictures. I found this one recipe for chocolate cups filled with raspberry mousse and chocolate ganache. They were so cute I had to try it, though I skipped the ganache and went with strawberries instead:

Chocolate Cups with Strawberry Mousse

I'll just let Miss Sugar Hero explain the chocolate cups because she does it so well HERE.

Strawberry Mousse: (adapted from HERE)

1 lb ripe strawberries
1 Tbsp granulated sugar
1/4 c powdered sugar
1/2 c + 2 Tbsp heavy whipping cream

Divide your strawberries in half, saving the pretty ones for garnishing.
With the other half of the strawberries:
half goes in a small bowl. Coat them with the granulated sugar and leave them to rest in the fridge. In a blender or food processor, puree the other half with the powdered sugar. In a separate bowl beat the heavy cream until stiff peaks form. Then gently fold in the pureed strawberry mixture. Let refrigrerate for a few hours.

Dice the macerated strawberries and fill your chocolate cups (about 3/4 of the way up) with them. The using a plastic sandwich bag with a corner cut, pipe the mousse on top. Garnish with a strawberry halve.

On the flightline. His eyes are open, promise.

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